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통일 미래 길잡이/외국인대학생기자단

North Korean 'Netflix' device

A set-top box offering video-on-demand services has been unveiled by the state broadcaster KCTV in North Korea, according to local reports. The Netflix –like device called Manbang delivers on-demand videos to televisions through a set-top box, Korean central television said in a reportn the report, a narrator says that Manbang is further proof of North Korea’s “socialist cultural power,” which will allow its people to watch their country “make a leap forward every day, every hour.” This device also offers English and Russian learning material. Korean central television said consumer demand for the device is very high. "If a viewer wants to watch, for instance, an animal movie and sends a request to the equipment, it will show the relevant video to the viewer…this is two-way communications," said Kim Jong Min, head of the center in charge of providing information and technology, according to NK news. The content that streamed is largely restricted to state-run television and propaganda-filled movies. Manbang was “elevating the people’s cultural life a step up by allowing them to watch what they want any time they want,” a man identified as Ju Dae-hyun, a telecommunications official in Sinuiju, a town near the Chinese border, said in the report. Juche, North Korean running ideology, calls for self reliance in all matters. North Koreans also developing Red star, own computer. It appears to mimic Apple Mac OS X. They also developed its own tablet computer, including Android based Samjiyon.  


A photo was taken from www.bbc.com  



